Feed the children

Feed the children in Government and Government-aided schools, is not just taken as a responsibility but as an opportunity by The Akshaya Patra Foundation. The organisation feed mid day meal to hungry children in India. It operates in 65 kitchens across 14 States & 2 Union territory in India with the sole intention of providing wholesome food to feed the children in schools.

Akshaya Patra’s mission is to provide food TO FEED 3 MILLION CHILDREN EVERYDAY BY 2025. Feed the hungry and elimination classroom hunger in India is what the programme strives to achieve. With the intention to feed the children, the programme also promotes education. When you feed the hungry children, they get the energy and nutrition to concentrate in class and get proper education. The programme that feeds the hungry is also directly impacting in the increase in enrolment and decrease in drop-out rates.

The mid-day programme provides wholesome food to 2 million children every day. To feed the children with nutritious food Akshaya Patra meticulously follow the highest quality standard  every day during preparation and delivery of the cooked food.

To Feed the hungry till there is no hunger in India, we work in partnership with the Central and State Governments as well corporates, philanthropists, donors, volunteers and well-wishers.